A caller is faster
A caller is faster
In the world of acquisition and lead tracking, people still often e-mail. While we actually know that calling is faster. Calling is not only faster, you also get much more valuable information. You can respond better to a question and it is easier to create a connection with the person on the other end of the line. So calling has many advantages over emailing.
Successful lead follow-up
Being a good listener and the way you talk are key to successful lead follow-up. When you sit up straight, feel the adrenaline flowing, are well prepared and show interest, your interlocutor feels that you genuinely want to think with him. On the phone, he immediately gets a good idea of who you are and what you can do. With an e-mail or WhatsApp message, your message can be misinterpreted and you miss opportunities. In addition, e-mails and WhatsApp messages can be ignored for a while. People see them but do not react immediately.
Schedule a call block
How many phone calls have you made this week with (potential) customers? Do you plan several call blocks every week to follow up on leads and generate new business? Or do your busy schedules prevent you from calling leads and you often respond via e-mail? Lead follow-up takes a lot of time. With email and whatsapp so integrated into our customer communications, it is tempting to put customer contact by phone in last place. Quite understandably so. Yet the advice is to pick up the phone if you want to generate (more) sales. A caller is always faster than a mailer. In the time you have typed and sent your email, you could have long since had that same person on the phone.