outsourcing sales
Saskia Dors
1 min

Do it yourself or outsource it?

1 min

Why outsourcing acquisition and lead follow-up can be a smart move for your business

Do you notice within your company that leads go untracked? That account managers do not have or take the time to call potential new customers? Then you need to ask yourself whether you want to continue doing acquisition yourself or would be better off outsourcing. I would like to take you through the world of acquisition so that you can better decide which choice to make.

First of all, it is important that you are aware of the fact that acquisition is a continuous process that requires time, discipline and expertise. You don't just do it on the side. If you want to continuously acquire new customers, you will have to put both cold acquisition and lead follow-up on your agenda. Of course, an account manager can do that. But wouldn't his/her time be better spent on the (physical) sales appointments where you go deeper into your product or service?

Do you want to enthuse potential leads? Then that requires not only certain skills, but also the right energy and determination. What do your account managers do when they are told 'no' again after five calls? Do they still feel like calling the next lead then? And what do you think that does to their attitude and behaviour on the phone? You have to realise that acquisition really is a separate profession and not every account manager will be happy with it.

Outsourcing acquisition will cost you money. But are you also aware of the benefits? When you outsource acquisition and lead follow-up, you know for sure that your company is structurally in contact with potential customers. And that your account managers can work effectively because their sales appointments are already 'warmed up'. How important is it for your company that everyone feels comfortable at work? Does that affect your sales in your opinion?

By outsourcing acquisition, you invest in a specialist team that focuses entirely on bringing in new customers and following up leads. This means your internal team can focus on their core business and on closing deals with well-prepared customers. This way, you ensure optimal utilisation of the talents within your company and increase the chances of successful sales processes.

Moreover, outsourced specialists are more likely to use the latest techniques and tools to maximise the efficiency and effectiveness of the acquisition process.

In short, by outsourcing acquisition and lead follow-up, you not only invest in more potential customers, but also in the satisfaction and productivity of your own team. A smart move that can lead to higher turnover and a better working atmosphere in the long run. Do you dare to take this step?
