Lead sales customers
Saskia Dors
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How do I follow up on leads?

1 min

There are several ways to follow up leads, for example by calling, emailing or sending a message via WhatsApp very flatly already. A lead is a potential customer who has shown interest in your product or service. With lead, we often also speak of a sales lead. Leads can show interest in your company in different ways. For example, a newsletter subscription can already be the first step or a like on your LinkedIn page. Don't let these actions go unnoticed, because they are very important for lead follow-up!

3 phases of lead follow-up 

Lead follow-up consists of 3 phases: the lead phase, prospect phase and the final customer phase. In the prospect phase, opportunities can also be distinguished. Opportunities are basically prospects already, but they become warm prospects when they ask for an offer, for example, and this is actually sent. Make sure you make a clear distinction between leads and prospects in your own CRM system. You can do this by making the first call, by phone. Ask why they landed on your website or why they downloaded your white paper. Also realise that not every lead is going to become a prospect. So your list of prospects will be significantly smaller than a list of leads. Do you have a clear overview of all leads? Then move on to the next step: making contact.

Stay in the lead 

In this phase, the contact moments with your potential customer are very important. This is because it differs from company to company and from need to need how long the walk-through process is to turn a prospect into a customer. Only by keeping in regular contact can you know what is going on and respond accordingly. Keep the initiative and invest your time in prospects that are worthwhile. Curious about what we at Lead Masters International can do for Lead follow-up within your company? Are you looking for an extension of your sales team? Then don't hesitate to contact us.
