What is a cold acquisition call script?
To use cold acquisition successfully, a call script is a very useful tool. With a call script you have a guideline that gives you something to hold on to during a phone call. It is a kind of navigation that you have set up completely in advance. The goal is to eventually close a deal or to schedule a follow-up conversation. A call script consists of a fixed order: an opening, middle section and closing. The call script contains several questions and answers that help you deal with rejections or commitments. There are also different scripts for the different customer phases. After all, you want to have a different conversation with a warm lead than with a cold lead.
The call script provides structure
As already briefly mentioned: a call script gives structure to your telephone conversation. Structure is important during a telephone conversation, as you want to remain in charge. You don't want your conversation partner to take over from you halfway through the conversation and suddenly ask you questions. With a call script, it is almost impossible to lose the lead in the conversation. Because you already have the follow-up questions on paper, you can listen attentively to your potential client's wishes and needs. You can also ask more questions. Because you have already put together a good call script, you don't forget to come back to the other questions and topics later. After all, you have it in front of you on paper.
Adjust your call script when necessary
Different leads require different approaches. So don't blindly adopt the call script for every new lead. Before you call, it is a good idea to familiarise yourself with the company. Write down important things and include them in the conversation. This way, you will very quickly come across as interested and more likely to be able to schedule a second call. For example, if you are looking for a particular person from the HR or IT department, try looking up his or her name on the internet or LinkedIn. "I am looking for Ms X" sounds better than "I am looking for someone from your HR department". Chances are then you will get an immediate rejection from the receptionist (the gatekeeper) that that person is not there. Have you called your first potential clients and cold leads and find out that the call script isn't quite flawless after all? Then you can always adjust the call script.
Tips for a successful call script
An important point to keep in mind is not to start reading out loud. This is because this is treacherous when you have a text document in front of you. Your conversation partner will catch on very quickly and will not be open to a possible follow-up appointment. What you should do is practise the call script out loud. You can do this with yourself, for example. It is even better to do this with a colleague. By practising the call script out loud, you will be able to see which sentences are fluent and which are not. When a colleague can listen to the call script, more logic also emerges in the order of the conversation. What sometimes seems very logical to you in terms of conversation structure may seem very different to the listener.
Do you prefer to outsource cold calling or don't have the right people in place? Then contact us and together we will look at the possibilities.